Very interesting article from the Wall Street Journal. More companies are screening recruits for humility at entry level… it predicts ethical behaviour and length of tenure.

After decades of screening potential leaders for charm and charisma, some employers are realizing they’ve been missing one of the most important traits of all: humility.

In an era when hubris is rewarded on social media and in business and politics, researchers and employment experts say turning the limelight on humble people might yield better results.

Humility is a core quality of leaders who inspire close teamwork, rapid learning and high performance in their teams, according to several studies in the past three years. Humble people tend to be aware of their own weaknesses, eager to improve themselves, appreciative of others’ strengths and focused on goals beyond their own self-interest.

Read the full article here:

No team is the same, we adapt our approaches to the specific needs of the unique and differing teams we are invited to work with. We definitely don’t provide a ‘cookie-cutter’ developmental service.

We use evidence-based tools. Much of what is provided in the field of team development has not been reviewed, it has little or no evidence base. We use evidence-based tools to enable your team to become a great team.

We help your team identify the habits and behaviours, the performance needed to deliver exceptional results.  This combination makes us even more successful and even more unique.

We build your team’s shared identity, we help your team members move from ‘me’ to ‘we’. If a team has no shared identity, then it isn’t a team; it simply is a group of individuals who meet up. We build your team’s shared identity using a published peer reviewed technique called ‘TRIBE’. TRIBE is a trademarked tool developed by the Centre for Team Excellence in conjunction with The University of New South Wales and Sussex University.

We are specialists. Many consultancies provide team development services but very few solely focus on developing great teams. Why go to a generalist when you need specialist? We provide an outcome focused, one stop, tailored development service for your team. Team development is us, it is what we do and when we do it, we do it really well.